A few words from Frankie

A blog or a cookbook is merely a collection of recipes.  But I desire to give you more than that.  My wish is to impart a love of life, and the joy of loving and being loved by the God who created you and blessed you.

One of his greatest gifts to us is food.  It nourishes our bodies.  Yet I believe that he meant it to be more than that.  When prepared and shared with love and a grateful heart, it feeds our soul as well.

What better place to share life with family and friends than around the table?  And yet even our quiet moments of dining alone can delight our souls if we remember that we are partaking of his goodness.

It would give me great joy to know that I had contributed to the richness of that experience.  And even greater joy if I somehow created a touchpoint between you and the God who reaches down to you.  For remember, “Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God”.

May your table overflow with wonderful food, laughter and love.

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